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It's time again for a look behind the scenes: Our BehindTheScenes series enters the next round and shines in a new look. Today's focus is on Felix, who enriches our support team with his expertise and commitment.
What do you value most about your work at IMS AG?
Contrary to the general opinion about Customer Support, the work at IMS is anything but monotonous. I particularly appreciate the freedom to solve support problems individually and creatively. At the beginning, I was afraid that I would only have to give customers standardized answers or not be able to expand my knowledge - but exactly the opposite is the case here!
What was your career aspiration as a child?
Biologist, more precisely in the field of marine biology. Even as a child, I loved watching TV documentaries about animals and the environment and particularly looked forward to visiting aquariums and zoos. In the meantime, however, I have developed a thalassophobia - a fear of deeper waters. Nevertheless, the marine world still fascinates me.
How do you find the balance between work and private life?
For me, the separation of work and private life is not always strict. As a hobby baker, I like to mix the two and occasionally bring homemade cakes into the office. However, it's important to me that stress at work doesn't have a negative impact on my private life.
What is your favorite tool or gadget that you use at work?
A portable monitor (DELL P1424H). Lightweight, thin and gives me the overview I need when I'm working on multiple systems at work.
Thank you, Felix, for taking us into your everyday working life and talking openly about your experiences.